Prof. Jean-Arcady Meyer's visit (May, 1997)

Cover page of
Adaptive Behavior journal vol.6

During his visit I suggested a Japanese doll automaton called a Karakuri ningyo as a cover page of Adaptive Behavior journal, whose editor-in-chief is Prof. Jean-Arcady Meyer. I found a figure in a book entitled "Brains and Hands" written by Prof. Ryoji Suzuki. The doll was created by Benkichi Ohno, an engineer born in 1801, who wrote an amazing book called Ottoh-Shikyuroku (deductions from observing and reasoning). Thanks to Prof. Ryoji Suzuki, to Mr. Satoshi Maeda, the director of the Benkichi Ohno Karakuri Museum, to Mr. Hiroshi Motoyasu, the owner of the doll photo, to Mr. Chohachi Awamori, the owner of the doll, and to Mr. Sahachiroh Ohtomo, the owner of the book.
doll photo

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Last modified on: Dec 24, 2010